Collusionists & Supporters.

This page will list many of those who have broken the law to help Nuphar become the abuser she is.

From social workers who broke the code of ethics of social work and the law to help this child abuser steal her husband and sons rights, Liars from JF&CS who perjured themselves in court to help her steal the husband and child’s rights, to feminist judges who have openly lied in court and broke the law to help her continue her lies, theft of rights, blatant child abuse and more.
There are also degenerate lawyers who have abused the legal process to illegally continue the theft of a father and son continuing their lives together, as well as used abuse of process to steal the fathers rights in various areas. These degenerates will all be listed with their crimes detailed.

It all started when Nuphar falsely claimed in an Ontario court that a Jewish divorce was being withheld when it was not, actually she had never gone to the Jewish Divorce Courts to inquire about obtaining one and these statement were perjured lies to fool a feminist judge into taking her lies as truth and breaking the law to help her. Unfortunately the ignorant judge not understanding how Jewish law worked made the error of demanding a Jewish divorce be granted asap. Jewish law has a rule and by the judge breaking Jewish law she made Nuphar ineligible for a Jewish divorce until her orders demanding it and all subsequent orders based off this lie are reversed in full, and her husband granted Full Care and Custody of their son to ensure 50/50 access for both parents. For more information on the issues created by Nuphars lie to the courts, check out this page on a “Get Me’Useh” and why she is not eligible for a Jewish divorce until she admits to her lies and begs the courts to reverse everything she gained by those lies and her husband has full care and custody of the child to ensure 50/50 access for both parents as she is an unfit mother.

Currently Nuphar is in contempt of all court orders, is blocking access to court ordered visitation and should be in jail for her actions. Of course the corrupt Ontario courts protect child abuser “mothers” like Nuphar, who admitted in court to abusing the child in question, making her a court-admitted child abuser.

More as the story unfolds.